"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

The Bridge

Do you consider yourself an inherently good person who perhaps just made poor choices now and then? It is not easy to confess that none of us are good because we all have sinful hearts. As sinners, we are completely incapable of earning our own way into Heaven for how can mere creatures, in light of One Almighty Creator, save themselves? And if we really could, wouldn't it be wonderful to have a Savior who could save us and relief us of this burden?

Keep an open mind and keep reading! We have a wonderful Lord and Savior who  is the life and light of men, who came into the world not to condemn, but to seek and save the lost. We are lost in sin and darkness and He comes to draw us out of that into the marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).  Have you heard of Jesus Christ and His wonderful atoning sacrifice on Calvary for us? That is our Savior who will pardon us of all our sins and grant to us this free gift of  eternal life, and all we need to do is believe in Him.  There is absolutely no sin God cannot forgive for a contrite and repentant heart, He does not despise (Psalms 51)! It is by His grace through the gift of faith and not by any measure of good works that we can be saved (Ephesians 2:8-9).

You see, Jesus Christ the Son, the Father in Heaven and the Holy Spirit are One God (1 John 5:7).  God is holy (set apart with no sin) and therefore abhors sin.  Sin separates us from Him (Isaiah 59:2).  But, in His loving kindness and mercy toward us, He does not want that to happen so He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, who knew no sin, to come down to earth as a man so that He could share about His eternal kingdom and die on the cross on Calvary. By doing so, He himself bore all our sins so that we may die to sin and live to righteousness (1 Peter 2:24). On that cross, He took upon Himself the wrath of God on our behalf(Romans 5:9)! By His wounds, we have been healed.

The amazing part is that Jesus did not just die, He rose from the dead on the third day (Matthew 28: 5-6). Death could not hold Him!  He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25). Through His resurrection, God reminds us of His absolute sovereignty over life and death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, attested to by hundreds of eyewitnesses (1 Corinthians 15:3–8), provides irrefutable proof that He is the Savior of the world.

Because of his death and his resurrection, we have been set free, we can now stand right before God. We are no longer condemned to eternal punishment but have everlasting life and He will also raise us up from the dead and pass us from death into life eternal! 

Like a bridge, Jesus Christ, our risen and precious Lord and Savior, provides the path across the great divide for us and reconciles us to our Heavenly Father so that whoever believes in His sacrificial death and resurrection will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16)! 


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Redmond, WA 98075, US